SHINE and BEAM of the "SON"

In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven
Matthew 5:16

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Rainy rush hour routine day . . . . .

dressed & ready to head to Med center once again....  leaving by 615 in attempt to bypass rush hour traffic and arrive on time...... uhhhhhh no today it was pouring down rain traffic backed unto pearland not even over the bridge wipers swishing all the way in  rush hour traffic at a true stand still like no other. On our way in for a day full of appointments

forbes first on list she was on it em with 3 compression fractures only able to lay on belly  awaiting forbes to get us in to ortho stat dr schlegel calls to update me 

Dr Gerow scheduled for tomorrow 

magic show library games and puzzles librarian gave her a book

ENT Bednarski amazing report whoooohooo

Monday, February 2, 2015

The Call..

Standing in 1/2 Price Books 7ish pm my phone thankfully not on silence
 rings disturbingly loud in a quiet store..
 I scramble to answer  to quiet the sound It was Dr B
With not so good news
 The OR cultures &  path took longer than usual but were back
Now Em growing a difficult not so good gram - bacteria  , another  anaerobic Bacteria
 and a unidentified fungus with crystallization  and Eosinophils noted.
 Initially I  went to.... Does this ever end but quickly surrendered it back
 to Jesus as His plans always surpass my Own.
 We discussed in detail and at length a new formulated plan along with recommendation to be followed by Infectious disease once again for further management.
There are no good oral  Antibiotics to treat kids with this gram - Bacteria
 good grief Bless her Heart is she ever a warrior in this Battle
overcomer,  and will be a Victor in His Plan
 Standing strong in Him and in faith for He will guide provide Us!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Prayers Indeed Going Up .. 
without the Comfort and peace Jesus offers us daily Im almost certain my heart would be broken into pieces  and I would be a BIG Mess. My heart Does ache  for My Girl for sure but at the end of the day reside and cling to the truths That God has Chosen to use Her story for is purpose!

A Peek in to the  day/week in the Life of Em with a Sweet precious Spirit and Unwavering Faith
We have been on this Journey Awhile now, However it certainly   has intensified This Year for reasons only God Holds.

Emmalee Has been struggling  with  Headaches, sinus pain,  Nausea ,walking around with a cup   in hand Reflux up every couple of seconds. Attempt to blow nose to just be frustrated with the congested nose that nothing moves in/out difficulty to breathe, dizziness, fatigue the list goes on. Irrigate to only have it run right back out.Countless Appointments, tests proceedures, bloodwork infusions medicines regimens....    Watching her fight internally with handling it maintaining her spirit and keeping from becoming frustrated... 

On the week by week plan with ENT .....hours of suctioning scraping pulling grabbing at STICKY Fungal Mucous with  over 6 different tools oh all while awake. Week after week  clinging to Hope it is gone.....  
This is a lifelong management.... we are entered in a life marathon rather than sprints.

From the time she arrives to the time she heads home this 11 yo signs herself in fills out her symptom sheet...rounds the hallway offering All in office smiles and hugs Measures herself and heads to room 6 or Infamous ROOm 10 Scope Room  then proceeds to set up room with essentials &  machine with personal data awaiting Dr. B  to pop in.  Prepares for endoscopy with anticipation what the verdict will be...... and  of her needs Box of kleenex, Blue lollipop or a cherry dum dum  to offset taste of numbing spray. She has Analogies and terms to  rate and explain her symptoms better than adults.... She knows what to expect as it has all become routine to her by the age 11  Upon leaving loves on all her people walks out and completes checkout with scheduling.

32-34 WEEKS non-stop  and it CONTINUES   onto the 4th surgery in hopes to  clear it once again
32 weeks ago Underwent Her 3rd BIG sinus surgery since age 3,  Meningitis x 2 Neuropenia
 ( No blood cells) Septic shock  Multiple infections, PICCLine IV  Steroids for a straight 9 months  & Antibiotics  and  now going back to surgery and Antibiotics once again

Her 3 loves taken away  Gymnastics  Sunshine and Outdoor Water( Pools Rivers lakes waterparks) Thank YOu Jesus  for walking longside us and Carrying us along the way

But my Girl Skipping along  living Life with a mission and a purpose desingned for her! Im so blessed To Be her mom and be part of her Incredible Journey....

Monday, January 12, 2015

And it continues........

January 12/2015
Fungus   Growth

So back to Dr B today week I don't even know anymore.... Week after week EM gets checked and scoped and this is what we find ..... Cement mucous that won't come out It is Fungal... one of the toughest infections to clear! She has been battling this infection since June ... We may be unsure of when this will all go away as she continues to endure so much we are 100% confident that Jesus will see her through day to day! Thank you Sweet Jesus

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2014 EM an overcomer

2014 EM demonstrates just how much God created her be an Overcomer and use her a Faith to new heights for others around her!

A year of abundant blessings experiencing a Gods embrace and presence throughout some of the toughest days and most glorious victories!
