SHINE and BEAM of the "SON"

In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven
Matthew 5:16

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Tough Cookie....

Tough Cookies ( Em & maddie)

Gymnastics Banquet....

Emmalee Was home and able to attend her May Events including a Special Evening at her Gymanstics banquet to recognize her for all Her hard work this season on Level 4 team.  The Coaches more than SURPRISED us ,bring tears to my eyes as we bring this season to a close honoring Emmalee  with the Tough Cookie award for sticking Out the season, competing throughout her sick day moments ( even 102 fever) and always returning for her love for the sport between treatments.We were able to Attend Thanks to The Gym and all Our Very Special Friends determined for us to be there for the special night Thank  you sweet Friends Our extended Family God has blessed us with as well.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Is all that I could process Today as I waited & anticipated at the Dr. s office as Em was being Scoped once more.... Knowing that we were in an ok place 1 1/2 weeks ago attempting to bargain with the dr delaying our trip until fall if Things looked about the same... However Gods pland and will for us were a bit changed..... so Really Sweetest Em's Airway has closed off once more after 3 months of her new treatment and now has polyps everywhere on both sides now we were just down to one polyp on the right  but now the inflammation has increased for her causing her all the more discomfort and cycle of events.... Leaving us at a place of uncertainty about how to treat her at the present reluctant to place her on the steroids and miles away from her surgeon.... God is sooooo amazing and we rest with peace and true genuine comfort by His Grace only that He remains in Control....
Please continue to pray for His will for Her and comfort as He carries her thru...

Monday, May 16, 2011

Splish Splash 8th Bday Bash



POOL PARTY with Family & Friends
It was A Blessing & great Heartwarming moment to see her feel great , run around, giggling,laughing and splashing wit her closest friends. She had a Blast...
What a wonderful fun filled day for her
Thanks to all of you for making her day Special & Celebrating what a Blessing She is 

Monday, May 9, 2011

Whats up Doc....

Well before leaving Ohio Em had visited  Ent Dr on the 18th.... She was at the beginning of getting some infection and were prepared for it to get worse but to increase her treatment regimen and add extra meds to cover her..
Its that time her 6month Noseversary
wow 6months since surgery...What a true difference it has been 6months vs. 6 years...I have to tell ya even with her sick gunky or infection going on her worse day SHE CAN BREATHE, move air  and sleep pretty Peacefully!!!! Thank you Jesus! Thank You Ohio As I have said before something as simple a daily requirement without a struggle... God is sooo good to have led us and bless her in the hands of physicians to make ALL the difference
Give God the Glory in a moment of Prayer with me..

Lord Sweet jesus I just thank you for being the Healer, Great Physician and Prince of Peace and all you have done for all of us namely lil Em...  You have carried her with your gift of grace on eagles wings and cared for her all along the way . YOu Jesus are the only way the only solution to ALL things- Thank you -Thank you for always taking care of everything for us..The sacrifice you  made for us. Thank you Lord for leading guiding and providing for us every step of the way we turn to you and love you with all our hearts  amen

It has Been almost 3 weeks and she has still been  struggling with it So we went in Today for a minimal proceedure ... dun dun dun... THE SCOPE She had ALOT of thick bubblegum gunk they had to vaccume out that should help her to not get behind the 8ball and help her get over this hump..  Polyps still in place on right left remains clear so treatment thus far effective for Her...Spoke with Dr.s here and their comments on treatment.... in awwee " thats creative" go Cleveland Go! They will check again in 2 weeks....

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mothers Day

Wishing All of Our Friends A Wonderful Mothers Day.....What A Gift God has given ..Priceless