Prayers Indeed Going Up ..
without the Comfort and peace Jesus offers us daily Im almost certain my heart would be broken into pieces and I would be a BIG Mess. My heart Does ache for My Girl for sure but at the end of the day reside and cling to the truths That God has Chosen to use Her story for is purpose!
A Peek in to the day/week in the Life of Em with a Sweet precious Spirit and Unwavering Faith
We have been on this Journey Awhile now, However it certainly has intensified This Year for reasons only God Holds.
Emmalee Has been struggling with Headaches, sinus pain, Nausea ,walking around with a cup in hand Reflux up every couple of seconds. Attempt to blow nose to just be frustrated with the congested nose that nothing moves in/out difficulty to breathe, dizziness, fatigue the list goes on. Irrigate to only have it run right back out.Countless Appointments, tests proceedures, bloodwork infusions medicines regimens.... Watching her fight internally with handling it maintaining her spirit and keeping from becoming frustrated...
On the week by week plan with ENT .....hours of suctioning scraping pulling grabbing at STICKY Fungal Mucous with over 6 different tools oh all while awake. Week after week clinging to Hope it is gone.....
This is a lifelong management.... we are entered in a life marathon rather than sprints.
From the time she arrives to the time she heads home this 11 yo signs herself in fills out her symptom sheet...rounds the hallway offering All in office smiles and hugs Measures herself and heads to room 6 or Infamous ROOm 10 Scope Room then proceeds to set up room with essentials & machine with personal data awaiting Dr. B to pop in. Prepares for endoscopy with anticipation what the verdict will be...... and of her needs Box of kleenex, Blue lollipop or a cherry dum dum to offset taste of numbing spray. She has Analogies and terms to rate and explain her symptoms better than adults.... She knows what to expect as it has all become routine to her by the age 11 Upon leaving loves on all her people walks out and completes checkout with scheduling.
32-34 WEEKS non-stop and it CONTINUES onto the 4th surgery in hopes to clear it once again
32 weeks ago Underwent Her 3rd BIG sinus surgery since age 3, Meningitis x 2 Neuropenia
( No blood cells) Septic shock Multiple infections, PICCLine IV Steroids for a straight 9 months & Antibiotics and now going back to surgery and Antibiotics once again
Her 3 loves taken away Gymnastics Sunshine and Outdoor Water( Pools Rivers lakes waterparks) Thank YOu Jesus for walking longside us and Carrying us along the way
But my Girl Skipping along living Life with a mission and a purpose desingned for her! Im so blessed To Be her mom and be part of her Incredible Journey....