SHINE and BEAM of the "SON"

In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven
Matthew 5:16

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Rainy rush hour routine day . . . . .

dressed & ready to head to Med center once again....  leaving by 615 in attempt to bypass rush hour traffic and arrive on time...... uhhhhhh no today it was pouring down rain traffic backed unto pearland not even over the bridge wipers swishing all the way in  rush hour traffic at a true stand still like no other. On our way in for a day full of appointments

forbes first on list she was on it em with 3 compression fractures only able to lay on belly  awaiting forbes to get us in to ortho stat dr schlegel calls to update me 

Dr Gerow scheduled for tomorrow 

magic show library games and puzzles librarian gave her a book

ENT Bednarski amazing report whoooohooo