SHINE and BEAM of the "SON"

In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven
Matthew 5:16

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Where Our path leads.....

But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect
1Peter 3:15
 Year after Year praying for answers and treatments for our sweetest girl. Dr. verbalizing frustration. This year After being told That there  nothing more medically TCH could do we started to research centers over the summer , we decided to look  into for a mutltidiciplinary center to care for her and develop a treatment plan for her. Tch had plans in place up until September then  on October 1 decided there was nothing more they wanted to do for her.( meeting resistance all God closing those doors to further direct us the right dirction) In September Emmalee was struggling with her nose being obstructed ( a daily battle) mouth breathing in the daytime tired , feeling poorly, and struggling to breathe at night. Over that 1st October weekend I found myself  tears streaming face asking God to please guide me and give me the discernment I needed and to give me Direction of the proceeding steps to take...  Trusting, surrendering and Walking in pure Faith  we pressed on....

(visiting with some Dr.'s and a Pediatrician Friend God has blessed us with) With no help or plans in place we went to see her compassionate Immunologist. She  always so tender towards em's  care. She mentions to us how unacceptable this is and we need to move on to Denver for treatment. ( i had not mentioned my research efforts). Godly affirmation:). We then could see Gods hand over this and felt him steering our path. I then was given a spiritual nudge for a friend of ours who is a pediatrican and asked her for guidance and direction with her care. We visited an entire day going over the last 6 years of care and symptoms. What a vessel she was for us. This was on Tuesday  October 5. She to did research placed calls to find the right center for ems care. She to felt strongly this was being overlooked and we needed other specialties involved. After much prayer ( with all of our prayer warriors on board at this point) we narrowed it down between Duke, Boston and Cleveland. Throughout the week  with much Godly affirmations and prayer by Friday it was Cleveland thru and thru. During this time we had people mention things phone calls and  events confirming Gods plan for us.
My husband knowing this is what we need to do but concerned about how was questionable. God using me as an example of Trust and Faith to Him. I shared with him how it will happen we just have to press forwad and how certain I was that this was Gods will.
 HE WILL PROVIDE wait and see it will happen. Walking in pure FAITH!!!
 I spent the next days on phone with doctors and nurses for m the clinic and had appointments set up no flight or arrangements by this time. During this time every where we went or people we encountered Friends family all had more affirmation and peace as a gift of clarity from God. It felt so smooth to be inside Gods will I could feel Him holding me all along the way. His presence and embrace wad indescribable. A friend would call with information people they knew in Ohio, return flight tickets at discount, round trip tickets for return visits transferred in our name, A gift of money as a discipleship from a Friend in a Bible study, Hair appointment to feel good while gone  done as a gift of Love. All Gods action of love thru many of people.

 People after people God is impacting and using to BLESS US and those around us.
All for our girl to be provided the opportunity to breathe a little easier , have a management plan to feel good more days than ill, to receive care shes needed the last six years. Gods Glory is Mighty.....His love is powerful and moving and His Plans are always better than our own, He wants each of us to prosper...

 Our Journey continues

And we Know that God causes EVERYTHING to work together for the good of those who Love God and are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

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