SHINE and BEAM of the "SON"

In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven
Matthew 5:16

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Cleveland Police


 As I have shared before about the blessings that have continued daily thru various  People God is using , among them would Be  Officer Ray, CPD. We had the honor of meeting him at our hotel one evening. He since then each day has continued to share our story and reachout to His  fellow officers, departments and surrounding attractions to Bless us all The more.
He Called   today and had asked us to meet him in the Lobby that His Sgt. wanted to meet Em and I.
 We went downstairs to share our gratitude and appreciation for all their thoughtfulness and abundant blessings from their dept of officers! Not to mention all that Ray has done to initiate all their efforts!

 God has used Officer Ray in big ways to provide for us and more than bless our stay!
 When you approach someone in the future please think of how , yes you to can make a difference for someone and never really know  day  to day  who God may place in your path to bless. Just as Ray has done for us! He was available  and answered the duty  call God placed among Him!
 Now He has more than blessed us, and  during our stay we have learned thru other special Friends that  His heart is truly that genuine and he is forever going above and beyond for alot of people. Things he doesnt have to do but  has a loving willing spirit and follows that out daily!
 Thank you Officer Ray for going the distance for us  and soooo many!

Upon meeting Sgt. Ross and visiting again with Oficer Ray,the  Sgt meeting lil Em,  bless  us all the more!!! ABUNDANTLY by all CLEVELAND PD!
This entire process has been moving and overwhelming to see God in action each day as if He Himself were handing  us each blessing. So with that and my heart being filled even more with tears of appreciation and thanks tears wanted to fall.
They presented Em with a huge Princess bag filled with all kinds of  special treasures.....
 CD's , cd player, art desk activities, coloring books, movie
 and Our family with a card filled with more financial blessings for our stay...
 Now the tears are streaming my face in awwe of all their compassion and efforts for us!
 Please understand it is the efforts and thoughts of these Men in uniform of a different city  Police dept. reaching out lifting us up and showing the best gift of all LOVE in action. We are just one family that they have truly gone above and beyond the call of duty for. Their  HEARTS are amazing!
 Leaving a memorable impression  for us to always cherish!
They went on to  ask  how could they help get my husband here to be with us, pick up  arrangements, wages covered, dinner for 2 just a few hours to be with His family.... whatever the case they wanted to see that they could help that happen..... All Heart..... I procceded to share with them how many of you have all offered the same for us  ( Friends Family, Gymnastics Family) but
 Unfortunately that is in Gods Hands and being that He has provided and guided every step for us we know and TRUST in His plans .....
So God is with us  and Tommy is with us  thru HIm and that is plenty
for God always provides like manna He pours down 
JUST ENOUGH! ( Exodus)

will finish later....


  1. God Is Good!!!!! What a wonderful sentiment from the Cleveland PD. I am so glad God sent you there as we see you are being well cared for. We know Tommy misses you and has been working so hard, we hardly see him. We can't wait for you guys to get home...Big Texas Hugs!!!

  2. God truly IS a great God! This testimony moved me in such a deep way.......Glory to His name! Showing his powerful hand in such profound ways! Can't wait to hug you both!
