God at work.....His Hand and Plan
You are all part of it
There is not one corner or curve we take along our journey that God hasn't placed someone in our path to care, love,reach out, or provide in some way for us. All of you are simply wondeful to us! We are not very good at the recieving aspect for we love to be there and bless others thru His workmanship as he uses us for His intentions and purpose! However He has opened my eyes thru all of you being a true reflection of His wonderful Love for us....Each of you have embraced us and comforted us. Mainly being available for us in His honor. Thank you all....
Before Leaving we had our friends and family lift us up and see us off once again. Sending us off with hugs, kisses, smiles and so much more.
Gods pocketful of Provisions continue daily.......
Devon thank you for blessing our first week in Ohio.
I brought the card with me and placed it in my Bible to re-read.
When we arrive Clevelands finest there with open arms:
Holiday Inn providing a place of love and comfort at a discounted rate.
Cleveland Police Officer Ray, Ross, Mickey and more
Colt Mccoy picture, activity vouchers, Giftcards
New to our Path Ms Kim a teacher in Ohio blessed us beyond today
She was so incredibly thoughtful and brought em a bagful of things to do playdoh, Bead kit easter basket and her own personal giftcard. and Blessing me beyond words with a beautiful card with one of my fave scriptures and a message to have happy shopping as she Knew we were headed for Walmart.We were able to get Em some real food and healthy too!
Thank you so incredibly much Kim your thoughtfulness and heart means alot to us! What a blessing you are.Thank you for making a difference for us and allowing God to use you in Our life in a Big Big way!!!
All of you have gone so above and beyond for us and we are forever greatful! You are all victors in Gods daily plans and can truly take part in Celebrating all the victories He is doing in Our Life in accomplishing so much through this season with emmalee. You see some may choose to see it all as devastating but in reality of Gods perspective it is so much more! Although difficult at times we appreciate every step He has given us for without these Peaks and Valleys we do not prosper or grow in our walks of Faith! Jesus is the One solution and when focused on Him nothing is unaatainable.
We shall continue towards all God has awaiting for each of us and He chooses for us to prosper when we trust in Him ! He doesnt need our help or input! Just Our will to follow!!!