SHINE and BEAM of the "SON"

In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven
Matthew 5:16

Thursday, March 31, 2011

True Peace comes from knowing God is in Control

Do not be anxious about anything but in evrything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God and the Peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus
Philippians 4:6-7

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ups Downs and All arounds

Emmalee's Symptoms and bloodwork  have been a rollercoaster and much exhausting.
 We have had multiple calls with the abnormal ,impaired, deficient testing....
Her not feeling well coupled with all the above  leaves us with  so many questions , uncertainty  and as her Immunologists puts it  " put through the Doctors laundry Spin Cycle" We like Him!
 Trusting God and hanging out  for now in a drained state... he will provide the strength I need as always
Back to  Endocrinology Again Tomorrow...
The LORD will work out His plans for my life- for your faithful love, O LORD, endures forever. Don't abandon me. for you made me.Psalm 138:8

Every person dreams for the future. Then they work hard to see those dreams and plans come true. But to make the most of life, we must consider God's plans for us.
He alone knows what is best for us; he alone can fulfill his purpose for us.

The Best Care

Why Ohio? This why we are here......            
                  A Tour of the Best Hospitals Honor Roll 2010-11 US  and  World Repot

Thank you  to all of you  for your support in helping us get Emmalee the care she needs and deserves. All of you have been so supportive and we coulnd not have made it without all of you God has chosen to use in OUR life. We feel beyond blessed for Her to be recieving the best care to develop the just right management for her. This has gone on for 6 years and now recieving the care she needs.
 a very special Thank you to
 Natalie and Tom
for Praying, researching and Reffering us to  the best center for Her.
Please join us in this Praise and prayer..

Thank you  Lord  for always guiding and providing for each of us in all circumstances and showing us time after time our only role you share with us in ephesians 2:7-10 is to trust enough to let you do it and that you are not in need of our input you are in control and we are to walk in FAITH! Thank you sweet Jesus for being our Prince of Peace and healer of all things.  A true comfort to know you have it ALL under control and plans for us to ALL  Prosper when we follow. Amen 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Dinner from Dru!

Ms. Dru (our Clinic Angel)Bakes homemade Food for us....
We met Ms  Dru  at the Clinic Our first week in October.
She always directed us where to go (helpful)and offered us a warm smile and then hugs.
We  were always trying to find our next appointment but it was more  than that. God had planted her in our path early on for His purpose's. She has truly been our Cleveland Clinic Angel watching over us.
Emmalee would begin looking for her everyday we were at the clinic and run to her from afar. Once spotted jump into her arms and Ms Dru would twirl her. A spark  something special was noted early on that continues to be today...
On our last trip Em gave her a willow tree angel..
This time around Em continues to look for her anytime we are there
 Tonight she blessed us even more Thinking of us she baked and made a from scratch
home cooked meal...
Rotisserie Chicken, Cabbage, carrots, Homemade macaroni and Fresh Cornbread
 We ere beside ourselves over joyed and more than touched by her thoughtfulness
Once more God fulfills our every need- thru all of you
 Emmalee set our table up at the Hotel and we ate and ate and ate
 3plate fulls each wiping it clean with our cornbread
It was Delicious scrumptious and just plain mouthwatering good
 Wow Thank you Ms Dru....
Now Thats REAL  Food Dru!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dandy David

Today  A Family Get - a- Way
 David someone God has also placed in our path over the last 4 months..
He is the GM over Holiday Inn ...
Always  there to offer a warm smile and understanding
 He decided to invite us out for Family day with His Wonderful Wife and 2 kids to
the Great lake Science Center & CiCis Pizza!
 His familys thoughtfulness touched us greatly them sharing their time with us!
 Thinking of us  understanding our circumstances and need for a break away and Em 's need for interaction. She had a blast being with Nala and Foday being a kid. 
 We  both  enjoyed their company and time with them!
 They blessed us Beyond words!
Thank you!

Youve Got Mail.....

Wow what a Pick me up... in good Timing
 Em  tired worn out  trooping along as always
Recives a  Package Pick me UP
 Aunt Mary , Amy Anne Marie Josh
 Blessed her with  Springtime goodies!!!
She was all smiles!!
Coloring Books, socks, gum  bunhes of bunny stuff..
 Thank yall so much for brightening our day and Blessing us!
 Your thoughtfulness means so much you guys are always there for all of us!
How amazing ya'll are to so many!
 Thanks for Loving Us ANd being that reflection of Gods Love!

 Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.
Romans 13: 7-9

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Home Sick.....

 God carrys us on Eagles Wings , guides, and provides but you know around supper time we just seem to miss home.  Something about Food.... Reminds you of  eating your norm foods with your family and friends fellowshiping as Jesus set that example with His desciples. So that is a bit tough!!
 We are exhusted with Pastas Pizza and Italian deli

Tonight we sought out  Home Style Food ( no mexican)
Cracker Barrel

 Our Hearts and Tastebuds were Comforted
We ate  Country Cookn -VEGETABLES   carrots, okra, greenbeans, Fruit
 Thats a Blessing   Beyond  Words
Because We were to content eating to speak

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The ENT Look See.....

Back to ENT  after being on a new treatment of steroid washes, steroids and antibiotics...
 Polyps still present but seem to be responding some to treatment for week 1.
No surgery this week they will keep monitoring treatment with her
scope and look see procedures
for effectiveness. They are saying that based  on her response will better let them know how often she will have surgery for the polyps and as long as they are not obstructive then we can   wait and try to keep it less frequent. If become obstructive then will have to increase treatment or back to surgery.
 The polyps develop and come back  regardless.
As I have metioned earlier on the Blog.
Prayers and Praises continue along the Journey God has us on

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Scope it out

Today we head back for a full day at the hospital. Goal is to Scope her nose once more. They will be assessing her response to the first round of treatment. she has been on steroids, antibiotics, steroid irrigations for her nasal airway in efforts to decrease polyps and keep her from obstructing.  This is the plan that has been in discussion for years ....... and now it is in place!
God's timeline and plans

All we do is Trust HIm enough to let Him do it...
Ephesians 2:10 msg

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Pocketful of Provisions continue.

God at work.....His Hand and Plan
You are all part of it
There is not one corner or curve we take  along our journey that God hasn't placed someone in our path to care, love,reach out, or provide in some way for us.  All of you are simply wondeful to us! We are not very good at the recieving aspect for we love to be there and bless others thru His workmanship as he uses us for His intentions and purpose! However He has opened my eyes thru all of you being a true reflection of His wonderful Love for us....Each of you have embraced us and comforted us. Mainly being available for us in His honor. Thank you all....

Before Leaving we had our friends and family lift us up and see us off once again. Sending us off with hugs, kisses, smiles and  so much more.

Gods pocketful of Provisions continue daily.......
Devon thank you for blessing our first week  in Ohio.
I brought the card with me and placed it in my Bible to re-read.

When we arrive Clevelands finest there with open arms:

Holiday Inn  providing a place of love and comfort at a discounted rate.

Cleveland Police Officer Ray, Ross, Mickey and more
Colt Mccoy picture, activity vouchers, Giftcards

New to our Path Ms Kim a teacher in Ohio blessed us beyond today
 She was so incredibly thoughtful and brought em  a bagful of things to do playdoh, Bead kit easter basket and her own personal giftcard. and Blessing me beyond words with a beautiful card with one of my fave scriptures and a message to have happy shopping as she Knew we were headed for Walmart.We were able to get Em some real food and healthy too!
Thank you so incredibly much Kim  your thoughtfulness and heart  means alot to us! What a blessing you are.Thank you for making a difference for us and allowing God to use you in Our life in a Big Big way!!!

All of you have gone so above and beyond for us and we are forever greatful! You are all victors in Gods daily plans and can truly take part in Celebrating all the victories He is doing in Our Life in accomplishing so much through this season with emmalee. You see some may choose to see it all as devastating but  in reality of Gods perspective it  is so much more! Although difficult at times we appreciate every step He has given us for without these Peaks and Valleys we  do not prosper or  grow in our walks of Faith! Jesus is the One solution and when focused on Him nothing is unaatainable.

 We shall continue towards all God has awaiting for each of us and He chooses for us to prosper when we trust in Him ! He doesnt need our help or input! Just Our will to follow!!!

Tower City Reunion

On our way to meet back up with Officer Ray &
Officer Mickey! 2  tools God has used in our path from the beginning for HIs true workmanship, the guys He has used in big ways of being there for us and blessing us 2 of Clevelands finest doing what they do best..... We love you guys thanks for all you are to Em  and ALL you do.... just  truly being there for us and making us part of your family!!!
        And Knowing that from the Beginning

Friday, March 18, 2011


         I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.
           I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
                                                                             Psalm 16:7-8
   We wanted to update you all on Em's status and all that's taking place in Ohio. They are now initiating several different treatments  for multiple systems and monitoring for therapeutic response and effectiveness.
            Ohio Dr.'s are working towards a management plan now in the areas  of Ent ,GI, pulmonology, immunology and now endocrinology. Her procedures and tests  have shown some deficiencies and impairment. It has taken us 4 months this year but 6 years overall to finally be able to understand a bit better what  is going on to be able to treat her. Between TCH and now Ohio they have discussed treatment for sometime and  now it is being initiated. Things that were mentioned to us over 4 years ago.

  Emmalee will be on primarily  steroid treatment with antibiotics periods at a time with medicine added to her nasal irrigations as  a wash. Life long to control the inflamation, infection polyp cycle  she struggles with. With  recent change of direction of care and new info. depending on ger bodily response will determine the amount of surgical proceedures. we have been informed their is no cure as this will continue to repeat itself.  We will continue to pray for Gods plans to  be as He wills.
As He is the Great Physician
We learned this week and early this morning of some impairment and deficiencies
 as well that She will also need to be replaced Longterm.
They are currently developing a Plan of care for treatment to be started.
This will entail Immunological and endocrinology management.
 Immunology in  the works and we go and see  endocrinology Next week.
We were very impressed at the fact that I have been a broken record almost in mentioning things Em experences. This week once more I was sharing some random info when her immunologist  started wriitng alot and was processing it further. From there he stepped out to consult another discipline of medicine and orderd necessary tests. Based on that He called this morning with results informing me in talking with The doctor of expertise  "an impaired result would be < 10 and Your daughter emmalee is depleted at 1 and will need to be  replaced." This further explaing some of her symptoms I have been sharing for sometime!
I have nothing but  a heart filled with Praise  for the Lord He is in control!
The LORD is my strength and my defense ; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.
Exodus 15:1-3

Pocket full of Sunshine

Plans in progress

Emmalee and I have just arrived back in Ohio and God"s plans are unfolding each day!!! It is such a blessing to see His hand at work over everything in our Journey... I am so appreciative and full of Praise for  all the valleys and mountain tops we have crossed. Em is now actually recieving true treatment and Therapy to help manage her. They are discovering the big picture ( all the peices fitting together now)as God reveals it to them in His timeline and unfolds the plans and provides them the wisdom to care for His little Princess He created wonderfully. She may be a zebra to them but is a Masterpiece to Him! Thank you for  all of your prayers and support thru  our Journey!
                                                       Body and soul I am marvously made! .....
                            You know me inside and out. you know every bone in my body
                                 You know exactly how I was made ,bit by bit,.......
              Like an open book you watched over me grow from conception to birth , all stages of my life were spread out before you.
The days of my life all prepared
before I'd even lived one day. Psalm 139 13-16 msg

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Puney Patty's Day

 Em all dressed in Green & prepared ahead of time for the legendary
St. Pattys in dowtown Cleveland, to stay away... will spare the details
In stead she was scheduled for surgical proceedures at Hospital. Once there
was all smiles to see Ashley with childlife the fun one... she shared jokes
wih ashley  and visited.. had them all laughing but all in all A very rough
day for her. Already  fatigued now Grogy, tired, not feeling herself or
 best to start the hospital day off with. Then to add  an uncomfy tube
in the nose!What a trooper and with all that still My joyful hearted
blessing of a girl blessing others with her smile and spirit even on her
 worse day!  Thank you sweet Jesus for carrying her in your embrace!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Holiday Inn Open Arms & Warm Smiles

Back Once More to be Welcomed By Our Loving Family Here in Ohio God has blessed us with
Holiday Inn Downtown...
Always Open Arms to embrace us, Shoulders to lean on Smiles to comfort us....
Diva Darnella
Movin Melanie
Super Steve


Em"s Crew(part of It)


Ohio Landing

Ohio Bound

Ohio  bound..... starting our morning   zipping up luggage   visiting with Papa & preparing for all God has planned for Em!  Papa come over to be with Em around 9 am  while I finished up packing!   Diamod escapes em and papa chase her on bikes  to catch her.   we all headed for the airport  to fly out at 2!
Stay tuned as we blog  our continued journey!
Lots of Love

Saturday, March 12, 2011

TCH Trip

On our way to some Mimi  Papa fun at the rodeo  takes detour...
Em developed some complications today  that prompted multiple  Dr. calls between Ohio and Texas care providers  for decision making for urgency of care with new findings.....
Em beyond tried and drained   major fatigue being toted by Papa and Mommy throughout the day  then landing in the TCH ER for monitoring and Blood work.... God in control guiding every step of the way  blood work good continue workup  in Ohio this week.
 Thanks to all my Girls  & Family for all the Prayers & Support!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

4month Noseversary

4 months ago  Em had her Open Airway Procedure...
7 years ago started struggling with airway and breathing
Today  Struggling  with headaches obstruction congestion, drainage ears eyes draining and work of breathing once more.....

Expected to fly out for Follow ups and treatments to be initiated!
Receiving a call from the infamous ENT CC! To hear the revised plan  secondary to Ems difficulties and symptoms.Ct scan showing complete Obstruction all over again.Her Dr in amazement as she once thought it would be taken care of the first go around now agrees and discovered what we have been living/dealing with for 6-7 years.... theres something more and history repeats itself for sweet ems nose. Explaining to me via phone that  she should open up her airway once more and then start her on  a different management to control her better....