Our Blessings and Provisions of Our story
We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith your labor prompted by love and your endurance inspired by hope in Our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 1:3
Thank you to ALL of you!
We all know and read that God s better intentions come from all trials and circumstances. The last 6 years have not always been a cakewalk for us. The biggest lesson for most of us thru daily struggles is that if things were easy we would be self sufficient and not grow in our relationship with the Lord.
He is our provider in every aspect of Life.
Walking in Faith and Trusting the last 6 years my little girl has struggled to breathe due to airway issues. Dr. after Dr. , failed medicine management, admissions and multiple surgeries she had little to know improvement.They have told me for years to reposition her, elevate her, stimulate her throughout the night. So year after year night after night with Gods grace have carried that out. Now on October 1 her doctors informed us that they were not able to provide her anymore medical management. Prompting us to look into other centers. .That weekend I was on bended knee in continuous prayer as I watched over her sleeping for guidance and direction, surrendering to Him all control.
That next Tuesday we were prompted to head for OHIO....
. My friends my sisters in Christ My Care group, and ministry ....
Our prayer warriors have lifted us up in love and support all along the way.
Much love, hugs smiles tears encouragement, hospital visits ding dong dashes form all of them simply showing Gods LOVE first and foremost!!!!
I am convinced God has been able to work thru Emmalee my amazing little girl to reach many of His people with her love /focus for Jesus and her story. With all that she endures the story and impact of Gods mightiness, Love and provisions continue....
This past week in less than 5 days Our Friends/ Care group had been pretty sneaky( as they know me all to well) and BUSY! They stood united in Faith and took it completely
to" JC" (something I always say to them) and stepped into action for us and allowed God to use them to Provide for us Blessing us all the more. I shared with a couple of them at care group on a Monday prior Our need for a center for Praise/ Prayer time. They generated emails, face book and texts blocking me from the entire thing sharing our story with others and OUR NEED. From there God ran with it by them Honoring His call and love for others. All His plans in place to provide the way. By Thursday night they had received bake goods, Garage sale items and donations from all over People they knew and didn't know. Some of them went around with a truck thru neighborhoods collecting all the more to RAISE MONEY for us to have some expenses covered. Their prayers and goals started with airfare for 800$ God said ok done! then they thought Air and Hotel would be great God once again said Done! They worked and worked and Prayed and Prayed up until Friday and Saturday for the Garage Sale and Bake Sale. I had no idea any of this was taking place. I had received many calls and prayers everyone was communicating and all Fired up. I would share my experiences and tears/ how emotional I was with how God was working in my life, but still had no clue what they all had been up to. I continued to make arrangements and update the girls as it all unfolded. Celebrating Gods works and Victories He had shown me.
During this time God continued to show me daily affirmations that this was His plans for us. People I encountered would confirm..............All kinds of calls People I didn't know offering Help,
how excellent the center was , random people called discount tickets, round-trip tickets,
Dr.s they knew, Family in Ohio, smooth process appointments early within a week .. All Blessings
All I knew was the Sunday before we were scheduled to fly out we HAD to be at A friends house for all our friends to see us off with a brunch. Knowing them and their hearts they knew I would not be as accepting of all of that so they put stipulations for me to be there. Thinking hugs prayer goodies for em and food and fellowship, Truly Lifting us up before leaving being they were going to be unable to drop in on us at the Hospital. Well that and so much more to my SURPRISE !!! My daughter and I had arrived with tears streaming and with each greeting, hug, face and all the decorations I had broken completely down with tears in awwwe. One of our great friends during one hospital stay had shared with Em F.R.O.G Fully Rely on God and My little girl has shared that and carried that all the days since. All The decorations were Fully Rely On God. Frogs cake our fave foods.... They then asked us to sit on the couch and the tears started again with overwhelming grattitude with all their words and actions...
They had gathered necessities and goodies for Em and I to take with us, Put together a Binder for all her medical info and Journey. But then They tried to give a speech and this attemp went thru a coupl of friends due to tears and emotions they shared all they had been up to and how they wanted to Bless us and support us in Our endeavors to get our little Girl the help she needed. They handed me a box to unwrap that had all the blessings and efforts of the fruit of their Love for us $ 3500 to cover expenses!!!
How amazing to see God in action that way and al along.
In One week God used each and everyone of them to PROVIDE for us!!!
That in itself is Crazy Overwhelming . Unheard of! Only the Hand of God can allow that to occur for HIs Glory! When I Left with great graatitude and astonishment.
I backed into a car parked directly behind the driveway.AHHHHHHH!
(Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. Ephesians )
I immediately got emotional at the Thought that My husband was now not going to see all God has done due to the focus on the accident> I was to very emotional for the fact that all o these wonderful blessings were now partially a void for the damages. I was crying and unable to reach the friends House I was at. (exhausted after all they been up to) A neighbor friend came to me and encouraged me I had enough to be focusing on and would help me with the owner of the car. WHile switching insurance info and crying. My daughter keeps calling emergently, not havin the time to give to her frustrated at what had occured. I go to her and she tells me she has a check. I looked at it and it was for our insurance deductible in the amount of $ 1500. I asked her who gave that to her and She says " THat really nice man who was Helping You" Thinking oh no I have been blessed beyond BELIEF go to return it. His wife and him hug and reassure me that They had wanted to donate but were unsure how much at the time were glad to do that for us. The said they couldnt imagine going thru that with their youg kids, that they had a settlement and would love to share that gift with us! Again Unheard of..... WHO DOES THAT???? ONLY GOD....GODS LOVE and EMBRACE for us We are never alone and He uses all of this FOR HIS GLORY>
There hearts are Amazing and their friendships cherishable. God has put each and everyone of them im My life to be our extended Family. As tears stream my face I could not do Life without these incredible Godly Women. They Have been EVERYTHING to us.
They are our Life and support and where our Love comes from.
As the Bible tells us Where does our Help come from,
( My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-3)
He has filled our Lives with them !!!!!!
We are so extremely blessed and supported by them and our Families.
All I knew was to Walk in Faith that trusting and being in Gods will He would part the sea. And HE soooo Did I felt HIs presence thru out this week and 1/2 experencing such peace.This has impacted us greatly and we are so appreciative for all of them and those involve in lifting us up in prayer and supporting us Thank you Church Family and Friends!!!
I kept reminding my Husband who has a bit more difficulty TRUSTING in Faith God's provisions and PLANS. This being the biggest part of Gods plans!! My husband was Astounded and curious at how they pulled that off leading His heart and eyes being softened to all of GODs Mightiness, provisions for us to Prosper and not struggle when in Faith and trust/ believe in all He does for us!
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.