SHINE and BEAM of the "SON"

In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven
Matthew 5:16

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mountains are Moving

We are exhausted we walked to and from all over the big campus rushing from one to the next between 8- 5 a very full day. We might of stopped for a 15 min. lunch quickly . With more to do tomorrow.
 They keep us in one appointment being thorough of course for 2-3 hours. And  that's with the Doctor.
Then the doctor refers or order tests between a tight schedule. All increased efforts to get a plan for her.
Gods plan all along. He knew the people and what it was going to take and how He was going to achieve that. Certainly not me chasing Dr.'s down at TCH. ( I've tried Gods plans always better) We just have to trust  and wait for His timing of His amazing plans.  The circumstances while waiting are how He grows us and our relationship with Him becomes richly intimate.

Great things are happening for our little girl.  They are compassionate for her needs, concerned for the severity, and assertive in getting her treatment. That in itself is God Moving Mountains and getting us  to the other side. Where  he desires us to be.To Prosper.
 Man  is it cold up here! We are all layered in our outerwear and you can still feel the brisk winds. Love Texas weather. We woke up this morning  with Emmalee having a rough start. She  was not having a very feel good day. She had tons of drainage pouring out everywhere.  We  headed to the  clinic for a very over scheduled day with alot of appointments.
 Our first appointment was the most important one   our trip being with ENT for her nose.
 It was rough for her  they took cultures of her nose & then scoped her nose in the office awake. tears tears and more tears in all her life I have never heard her cry so hard. I stepped out heart heavy for her and had tears wealling up in my eyes. This provided them with the most definitive information they needed. They took a video of the inside of her nose, I had tears streaming my face in disbelief.  I though i knew but nothing on that level it was severe.  Basically no opening at ALL on either side just alot of nose. The Dr. turned and reiterated  how she is uncertain of  "how she is moving any air????"  she poke of 2 big things going on with Emmalee Her apnea really being something more that they wanted to workup. and secondly Her Infamous Nose....She mentioned her nose being attributed to anatomy. She does not have the capability to drain because of it. They feel like something more is contributing to all of this due to the no response to past surgeries.

more to come alot happened today .....


  1. even though I heard this already yesterday I have tears in my eyes again!!! Tears for her pain but also for what they are uncovering. Oh how I love our GOD!!!!!! I know what you mean when you said it feels so good to be inside his will and how you have never felt so much like you were doing what he wanted. I feel the same way!!! This is just so awesome and I can't believe I get to be apart of the journey. I love you both soooo much!

  2. Oh sweetest Cne I know from the depths of my Heart That you get it for us mainly because We have been blessed with you by you in our life and along the journey all along knowing just what we have been doing night after night YOu have been so compassionate heartfelt and loving thank you for being you and walking this walk of FAITH with us! SHE/WE love you dearly what a blessing your heart is to many ! Thank you again just who you are to us! God is oh my word in big ways WE LOOOOVE YOU
